March in the Garden

It’s finally that time!! When the weather warms, the sun is out, and those seeds that you started earlier this year are grown and healthy and about ready to go in the ground. Now is when all your hard work this winter starts paying off. Now is when the flowers bloom, the butterflies come out, and your garden to-do list gets a lot more fun. Can you feel it?? Can you taste it?? We sure can. Below are the plants that are ready to direct seed or transplant, and some helpful tips and to-do’s for March. Let’s grow shit!

What to Plant

  • Asparagus**

  • Beans, snap, lima, pole, bush*

  • Beets

  • Cantaloupe

  • Chard, swiss

  • Corn

  • Cucumber

  • Eggplant**

  • Fennel

  • Greens, cool season

  • Greens, warm season

  • Lettuce

  • Mustard

  • Peas, southern

  • Peppers**

  • Pumpkin

  • Radish

  • Squash, summer

  • Squash, winter

  • Strawberries**

  • Tomatoes**

  • Turnip

  • Watermelon 

*Seed directly



  • The March 16th is typically the average last frost day in Central Texas, so keep an eye on your weather apps and be prepared to cover sensitive plants and transplants if there’s a cold snap 

  • Transplant warm season transplants - start by hardening off: introducing plants to their new outside environment for a few hours in the days before planting. Water with liquid seaweed after planting to strengthen roots and prevent transplant shock.

  • Once your plants are in the ground, top your beds with mulch, straw, seedless hay, or dry leaves to help protect your soil and lock in moisture. You’ll be happy you did this when it starts heating up.

  • Set up your drip irrigation system and watering times if you haven’t already.

  • Top beds with compost if you haven’t already.

  • Bugs are back! Keep an eye out for caterpillars, aphids, and beetles. Blast the little assholes off plants with water, smoosh them with your fingers (yucky but effective), or spray with water and dish soap or another organic insecticidal soap. Fish emulsion is especially helpful against aphids.

  • Be diligent about weeding, especially around sprouts and transplants.

Aside from that, this is the beginning of the most fun part of gardening! When your sprouts start taking off and your transplants are in the ground, you’ll start to feel rewarded for all your prep, patience, and planning. 

Hit us up if you have comments or questions - that’s what we’re here for. Otherwise, happy spring and happy gardening! Let’s grow some shit!

- Hunter & Chelsea


April in the Garden


Getting Started in the Garden: helpful tools